First name - Jack
Middle name - James
Last name - Frost
Date of birth - 11/17/1990
Gender - Male
Age - 21
Birth place - Liberty City
Status of citizenship - Valid.
Years in the state - One.
Contact number - 253-733-(3529)
Address - 222 Airport Way, Apt B
Background check ((/stats)) - ((Since I'm a new user, I'm not aloud to post a picture, or a external link for 7 days. I'll PM you it if you need it that bad. ))
Current employment+description - Los Santos Taxi Company. I drive people around the City for a living. Not much profit on my side, but it puts food on the table.
Prior employment - Medical Department, ABC News, LSPD, FBI
Department you wish to transfer from(if any) - N/A
Strengths - Excellent driving record. Experience with computers, and other technology. Experience with weapons, well trained.
Weaknesses - Asthma. It effects my ability to run constantly, but of course I am still able to do the job.
Consent from high command within your current department(if applicable) - N/A
Reasoning for transfer(if applicable) - N/A
Department history+reasons for leaving - Medical Department. I quit due to the low pay I received. It just wasn't enough, and I couldn't afford to do it anymore.
Why do you wish to join NOOSE, and why should we consider hiring you? (minimum of 550 words) -My name's Jack Frost, I'm 21 years old and I live in Los Santos. I was originally born in the United States of America and stayed there my whole life. I was educated in many school around the country due to parents' hobby to explore every part in the United States of America. I graduated from Harvard's School of Law and joined the Medical Department by the time. Then the Federal Bureau of Investigation recruitment status was set to open. My life as a professional started there, gaining promotions and dealing with different types of people under different types of directors. I moved to the Secret Service for a while then moved back to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Continuing with my trip in the Bureau I reached the position of Deputy Director. Then I became the Director of the Bureau. Resignation came later on and I helped a little with developing the LSPD and I even earned the Chief position. Later on I was picked to join the Bureau again by Thomas Attenori who passed on his Directorship again to me after resigning.
Just to keep it short and to be direct, I don't really recall most of my historic timeline as I got used to doing these things for ages that I even forgot the amount of directors I have been under in the bureau. My reputation can speak for me well I guess.
You'd surely ask me one logical question, how are you 21 years old with such things you've done in your life, I'll give you a simple answer: Everything happens too fast in San Andreas.
If invited into NOOSE, what rank do you wish to obtain - I'd like to begin at the first rank, and gradually work my way up.
If invited into NOOSE, what division would you like to join(AIR, Long Range Sharp Shooters, General Duties.) - Long Range Sharp Shooters.
Age - 21
Country of origin+current country of residence - USA, WA GMT-8
Do you have a mic/ts - TS yes, Microphone no.
Length of time on samp - I've been playing on roleplay servers for 5 years.